Trainees are underlined.
R packages:
- Mahdis Azadbakhsh, Hanna Jankowski (2012), logConCI: a function to calculate confidence interval for a log-concave density (this is a contribution to the R package logcondens written by Kaspar Rufibach and Lutz Duembgen). [logcondens]
- Rihong Hui, Hanna Jankowski (2012), CPHshape: calculate the MLE of a shape constrained hazard baseline and effect parameters in the Cox proportional hazards model. [CPHshape]
- Kaspar Rufibach, Fadoua Balabdaoui, Hanna Jankowski, Kathryn Weyermann (2011), logcondiscr: calculate the MLE of a discrete log-concave distribution. [logcondiscr]
- Hanna Jankowski, Ivy Wang, Hugh McCague, Jon Wellner (2009), convexHaz: calculate the nonparametric MLE/LSE of a convex hazard rate. [convexHaz]
R scripts:
- Hanna Jankowski (2008), find.mle: find the MLE of a u-shaped hazard function. [script]
- Hanna Jankowski (2009), find.gren: calculate the MLE of a decreasing mass function on the natural numbers. [script]
MATLAB scripts:
- Hanna Jankowski, Xiang Ji, Larissa Stanberry (2012), conf_reg.m: calculate confidence regions for the effective dose. [script]